Family Group Conferencing
Family Group Counseling is a family driven problem solving process which gathers family members and other natural supports as a way for people to develop action plans to achieve safety and permanency for the child and their family.
A neutral, specially-trained Family Group Conferencing Facilitator helps guide the process. However, other professionals are included as informational resources for the family.
A successful Family Group Conference is built on:
A strength based approach, teamwork.
Participation from everyone involved.
Safety planning.
Active family involvement.
Linkage to supports and services.
Achieving a consensus
Skillful, trained facilitation
Goals of Family Group Conferencing
To assist families in crisis by helping them create a plan that provides safety and permanency for the children involved.
To identify/locate natural resources and supports for families in crisis so that they can play a role in supporting the family.
To address potential placement issues. This could include assisting with transitions into and out of placement, making decisions about the change of placements, and even preventing placement.
How does the referral process work?
A variety of advocates for children and families can contact Erie or Niagara County DSS and ask for a referral to Family Group Conferencing, including:
Family Court Judges and Referees
Attorneys for Children and Respondents
Service Providers
Child Protective Services (CPS) Workers
Residential Staff
Foster Care Staff
Contact Information for Family Group Conferencing:
Erie County:
Melissa Bonello
Family Resource Manager
Phone: 716-400-9408
Email: mbonello@ndyfs.org
New Directions
Family Group Conferencing
4511 Harlem Road, Suite 200
Amherst, NY 14226
Niagara County:
Erin Ferrante
Family Engagement Supervisor
Phone: 716-334-3362
Fax: 716-306-4080
Email: eferrante@ndyfs.org
New Directions
Family Group Conferencing
4511 Harlem Road, Suite 200
Amherst, NY 14226
Erie County:
Niagara County:
Erin Ferrante
Family Engagement Supervisor
Phone: 716-334-3362
Fax: 716-306-4080
Email: eferrante@ndyfs.org
New Directions
Family Group Conferencing
4511 Harlem Road, Suite 200
Amherst, New York 14226
New Directions
Family Group Conferencing
4511 Harlem Road, Suite 200
Amherst, New York 14226