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September Staff Spotlight

Marcia Kramarczyk – HGL Campus School Social Worker

This month, we recognize a member of the Henrietta G. Lewis Campus School staff who has been serving New Directions for over 40 years, Marcia Kramarczyk! Marcia is a Day School Social Worker and she cares deeply about Wyndham Lawn, its history, and the students she works with. Marcia provides weekly sessions for kids who need one-on-one attention in their schooling, along with their families.

Marcia completed a competitive Social Work program at Brockport State College and went on to pursue her master’s degree at the University of Chicago. Immediately after receiving her degree, Marcia gained plenty of experience from the encouraging supervisory team at Illinois State Psychiatric Center.

Moving back to WNY, Marcia started with Wyndham Lawn as a Care Coordinator at Mecorney Cottage, where she provided both family and group treatment for residents. She had a big role in the growth of both the day- and evening-child care teams, along with the help of her supervisor and social work assistant. Her work with such passionate individuals led Marcia to further her knowledge in social work and strive further to help kids.

Marcia appreciates all the valuable feedback she received from her supervisors and fellow coworkers over the years and says she is humbled to work alongside such talented, energetic, humorous, selfless and committed minds! Marcia loves discovering the potential in the kids she works with and helping them to cultivate it. She cites it as a major factor in her happiness, quoting James M. Barrie’s line from Peter Pan, “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”

In her free time, Marcia volunteers at the Graycliff Conservancy, which works to preserve the Darwin Martin house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1926. Marcia is truly a wealth of knowledge and understanding, and makes a positive impact at H.G. Lewis Campus School, striving to nurture the growth of our kids every step of the way.

Thank you, Marcia, for setting a terrific example and for the guidance and dedication you show students!

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