Christine Gabrielsen – Controller, Randolph
This month, we are highlighting a very integral member of the Finance Department; our Controller, Christine Gabrielsen! Christine began her journey at New Directions in June of 1994. When she began in the Finance Department, she started by covering for Sheila Searle during her maternity leave, handling Payables and Receivables. What is ironic is that baby girl will soon be on maternity leave herself and also works as an accountant!
Christine received her education at the State University of New York at Brockport and got her bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting. In her current position as Controller, Christine is part teacher and part problem-solver. She teaches members of New Directions’ programs how different variables affect their finances and how to best keep track of agency finances. She also aims to help improve various programs’ successes by helping them set goals to regulate expenses. As a proud member of the Finance Department, Christine must try to take an agency that is ever-changing and make sure it meets both accounting standards as well as federal and state government requirements. Keeping proper track of the numbers across an expansive organization like New Directions is quite a challenge.
Christine’s favorite part of being a New Directions employee is working with the incredible friends she’s made, not only in the Finance Department, but across the agency. Christine is kind, compassionate, silly, and sassy. In her spare time, Christine enjoys hiking with her dog, learning to mountain bike, and kayaking, a hobby she picked up after being introduced to it at New Directions.
Thank you for all you do for us here at New Directions, Christine, we appreciate you!