Leslie Shellenbarger – Clinical Director of Southern Tier Foster Care/ SILP Supervisor
Our first staff member being honored this month is Leslie Shellenbarger. Leslie is always on the go! She has been the Clinical Director for Foster Care in the south for 24 years and the Supervisor for the north and south SILP programs. SILP (Supervised Independent Living Program) currently takes up the majority of Leslie’s schedule. SILP started with one or two kids and has expanded to include 16! Leslie has guided SILP’s growth through her hard work and dedication.
Leslie started her journey at New Directions in 1992 (before it was called New Directions) initially working on the boys’ unit of the Randolph Children’s Home. Before this, Leslie earned her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Edinboro University and then her master’s degree in Social Services Administration from Case Western Reserve University. Leslie’s current position allows her to support children and families in foster care directly, which she loves. It is very rewarding for her to see former youth who have been adopted, in the community with their families looking happy and healthy. Leslie’s job also entails preparing young adults to go out into the world on their own. She feels like she has accomplished her goals when SILP youth demonstrate financial independence, manage finances, and seek and secure training and education.
One of Leslie’s favorite things to do in her free time is to take her boat out on Chautauqua Lake with her husband and friends. She is an avid fan of cards and tabletop games, including Euchre, Rounce and Settlers of Catan. From the bottom of her heart, Leslie thanks her fellow coworkers for their constant support and comradery, and also for putting up with her sarcasm.
Thank you, Leslie, for all the great things you do for our youth!