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February Staff Spotlights

Brandi Robinson – Program Coordinator- Chautauqua County Agency Operated Boarding Home (CCAOBH)

Brandi has worked for New Directions since 2000. She is the head of our extremely dedicated AOBH team in Falconer. As program coordinator she oversees the care of kids age 15 to 21 who live in the group home.

Brandi was initially hired as a youth counselor at Zafron Home for Pregnant and Parenting Teens, where she assisted young mothers. Eventually, she moved into the role of assistant supervisor of Zafron. In 2018, she transferred over to the Chautauqua County Agency Operated Boarding Home to become the coordinator. Brandi’s work involves interviewing and admitting youth for the Chautauqua House program, enrolling them in the required education and the other programs available to them, conducting individual meetings with youth, and coordinating visits with families. Brandi also oversees the staff at CCAOBH. She says that they are an amazing team that works diligently to better the life of every youth they serve.

Brandi is loyal, honest and dependable. These attributes make her a great leader and help her to provide the most nurturing environment possible for the kids at CCAOBH. She is the proud mother of a 16-year-old and a 6-year-old and loves spending time with them and the rest of her family. She loves coupon hunting! Brandi loves a good deal and is known to be the best person at New Directions to ask for a coupon or discount code. Before working with New Directions, Brandi cultivated her love of working with kids and families working at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL!

This February, we honor Brandi for her dedication to supporting children, families and staff!

Thank you for fostering good, Brandi!

Laurie Robb – Youth Support Specialist Supervisor, Westons Mills Agency Operated Boarding Home (WMAOBH)

Laurie began her journey at New Directions in 2003 when she came onboard as a Youth Counselor at the Westons Mills Agency Operated Boarding Home Cattaraugus County. After three years, she was promoted to Senior Youth Counselor, and then became the Program Coordinator for Westons Mills in 2008.

Laurie is a leader, a team-player, a role model, a coordinator, a motivator, a supporter, a documenter, a collaborator,  and a planner all rolled into one! She partners with families, youth, DSS staff, New Directions staff, school districts, community service providers and community resources to get the kids in her program the most tailored care possible. It gives her great satisfaction to be part of a multi-faceted group that promotes the best possible desired outcomes for youth, families and the agency. Laurie’s favorite part about her work is hearing back from former WMAOBH youth and learning of their success and their adventures since they’ve moved on from the program.

Laurie is a real go-getter. She enjoys reading and learning new things, kayaking and enjoying the beautiful weather when she can, and her more recent hobby of iPhone photography. One thing that’s unique about Laurie is that she’s a blackbelt in Shotokan Karate. Laurie is also looking for a new canine friend! She wants to adopt a rescue dog in need of a loving, comfortable home.

This month, we’d like to recognize Laurie for her dedication to supporting children, families and staff!

Thank you for fostering good, Laurie!

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